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Eight Natural Doctors

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Leaves Of Life

28 Sandford Avenue

Wood Green

London N22 5EH

Tel./Fax: + 44 (0) 208 881 8865

E-mail Contacts:-




The first Monday of every month you can find us at:-

The Advent Centre, Banqueting Suite, 39 Brendon Street, London W1 (Corner of Crawford Place and Brendon Street)

Click Here For  Detailed Central London Map To Find Us




Objectives & Making The Healthy Choice

Leaves of Life is a voluntary health promotion and information organization.

We endeavor to bring to you, our members and friends, the best in vegetarian/ vegan whole food cookery and health seminars, in which we always seek to improve. Through our seminars we aim to teach plant-based cookery at its finest - conducting nutrition labs where participants learn the art of preparing easy, whole, natural, and healthy food to ensure individuals and their families enjoy tasty, well balanced, nutritious meals. We also aim to educate on vital health and life-style principles, including stress management, dealing with anxiety and sleeplessness, weight control, disease reversal, and lifestyle habits essential to good health and well-being. 

In our aim to provide you with the best and latest information, we secure the services of the best speakers. All are experienced lecturers / practitioners in various fields, and we are very grateful that they have given their time and support to this service.

The objectives (or mission) of Leaves of Life:-

1. To advance public education and training in aspects of health and practical living.

2. It is our purpose toward service users to broaden their understanding of health from the purely biological, to include social and spiritual dimensions, i.e. not merely the absence of disease or infirmity;

3. Also to broaden their understanding that to live life practically is to recognize that good health can be anticipated when one has a harmonious relationship between body, mind and spirit; therefore concentration and effort should be put toward things which make for harmony. Harmony is happiness, and happiness promotes good health.

4. To promote lifestyle changes based on a balanced use of the natural laws of health - See the Eight Natural Doctors.

5. To bring an awareness to individuals of their personal health needs and providing or pointing them to the available resources to meet those needs.


  • Bring you the best in vegetarian/vegan whole-food cookery and health seminars
  • Teach plant-based cookery at its finest.
  • Educate on vital health and lifestyle principles.
  • Are also available for health lectures, cooking demonstrations and catering.

Heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension and cancer - these diseases and many others, are often the direct results of the lifestyle choices we make. Many people suffer from these diseases, unaware that they are preventable and even reversible, unconscious that an easy solution is within reach.

The answer lies in lifestyle - a person's approach to living. Most of us eat and drink too much, following the accepted lifestyle of society. We exercise frantically, but we often feel worse rather than better. We rest but can't relax. We ignore the natural rhythms and requests of our bodies and get sick as a result.

Health Participation

What can we do ? Lifestyle changes make the difference. A lifestyle with a balanced use of the laws of health will bring remarkable results. Learn from our health professionals how you can enjoy life more fully by following simple principles.

Your spouse and children are encouraged to attend and participate in the life style program. Family involvement and support encourages the continuation of lifestyle changes at home.



Send mail to alecmaran@aol.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2000 Leaves Of Life. 
Last modified: August 03, 2001